Global Indian School, Ajman

Parents are requested to select the correct uniform for your child. All uniforms are embossed with the school logo.


KG I & KG II Red, White and Navy Blue checked pinafore, White shirts, Black shoes and printed White socks
I & II    Light Blue and White checked pinafore, White shirts, belt, Black shoes and printed White socks
III to V   Light Blue and White checked skirt, White shirts, belt, Black shoes and printed White socks
VI to X Light Pink with light Blue pin striped shirt with Navy Blue skirt, belt, tie, Black shoes, and printed White socks
XI & XII Blue check shirts with Dark Grey skirt, belt, tie, Black shoes and printed White socks


Girls having long hair must plait their hair. Use only white ribbons and hairbands to tie their hair.

( Optional – White pyjamas for girls from Grade I to XII )

Muslim students who wish to wear headscarf should wear

White scarf Red, White and Navy Blue checked pinafore, White shirts, Black shoes and printed White socks
Navy Blue scarf Light Blue and White checked pinafore, White shirts, belt, Black shoes and printed White socks
Dark Grey scarf Light Blue and White checked skirt, White shirts, belt, Black shoes and printed White socks



KG I & KG II Red, White and Navy Blue checked shorts, White shirts, Black shoes and printed White socks
I & II    Light Blue and White checked shorts, White shirts, belt, Black shoes and printed White socks
III to V   Light Blue and White checked pants, White shirts, belt, Black shoes and printed White socks
VI to X Light Pink with Light Blue pin striped shirt with Navy Blue pants, belt, tie, Black shoes, and printed White socks
XI & XII Blue check shirts with Dark Grey pants, belt, tie, Black shoes and printed White socks


Blazers are compulsory for students of Grade VI to XII. They will need to wear this from September to March

Sports Uniform

All students from Grade – I to XII will wear the sports uniform on games and P.T days
The sports uniform for Grade – I to XII is Navy Blue track pants and house colour T-shirts
KG-I and KG-II – Boys – White shorts + shirt, Girls – White skirts + shirt
Plain White canvas shoes should be worn on P.T and games days.
Winter uniform will consist of Navy Blue sweater


School Bag Policy

Students are not permitted to carry any trolley bags to school

*Note: The school management reserves the right to admit or refuse admission to any child and to revise rules and regulation at any time